Are there specific directions to follow when writing the letters?
Below you will find different links regarding how to write the letters and other relevant information.
Directions for writing letters
Letterhead to use for writing letters:
Who should I send the letters to specifically?
For physically mailing the letters (preferred)​:
Address to use for mailing letters: Project Spread Joy, 4776 Kay Bird Lane, Concord, NC 28027 ​
You can also drop the letters off at this address if it is easier for you
What if I can't mail my letters?
For emailing the letters:
- ​Write your letter with dark ink. If using pencil, write heavily and make sure the lead is dark on the page. ​
Take a picture of your letters with no shadows. Using flash helps with this. Make sure the letter fills the whole picture.​
Email the letters to Attach the images of your letters to the email, choose "actual size" as the image size.
What do I do when one of the older adults writes back to me?
If you have a pen pal, or someone that writes you back in response to one of your letters, write your letter and send a picture of it to the Project Spread Joy team at so we can get it added to your letter total. After you send us the picture of your letter, please go ahead and mail it directly back to your pen pal.
Once I am a volunteer, what are the requirements if I want to remain a volunteer?
The MINIMUM requirements to remain a volunteer with JOY is writing at least TWO (2) letters a month starting the month AFTER YOU joined. Your INITIAL 2 (TWO) letters sent in when you signed up to become a volunteer DO NOT COUNT towards the next month's minimum.
Project Spread JOY would LOVE to see our volunteers write MORE than the TWO (2) letter minimum per month if possible! If you write MORE, you may be eligible for different prizes and perks (gift card prizes, merchandise prizes, and other perks) in addition to gaining more community service hours!
How do volunteers earn community service hours?
For every FOUR (4) letters written and received by JOY, volunteers earn ONE (1) hour of community service credit. Please send any community service forms to Project Spread Joy's email at admin@spreadjoyinfo for authorization and signing.
Project Spread Joy relies on its student volunteers to spread joy so we would LOVE to have our volunteers recommend JOY to their friends! If a volunteer recruits another student(s) to join JOY (and that person sends in at least 2 letters), the initial volunteer can receive one hour of community service for each volunteer recruited.